Daniel E. Warren

Ph.D. in Biology and Medicine, Brown University

Department: Biology

Academic Rank: Assistant Professor

Phone: 314-977-2043 Fax: 314-977-3658

E-mail: dwarren4@slu.edu

Lab Web Page Links: https://sites.google.com/a/slu.edu/warren-lab/


Primary Area of Cardiovascular Research Interest

-Cardiac pH regulation.

-Excitation-contraction coupling.

-Cardiac transcriptomics.

Related Areas of Cardiovascular Research Interest

-Blood pressure regulation

Summary of Cardiovascular Research Interest

We are a NSF- and NIH-funded laboratory investigating the physiological mechanisms underlying the variation in hypoxia tolerance among vertebrates. Most of our work focuses on the Western painted turtle, the most anoxia-tolerant tetrapod, which can survive 6 months of anoxia at 3°C and 36 hours of anoxia at 20°C. During this time, they accumulated lactic acid to levels that approach 200 mM. Our cardiovascular work focuses on the cellular mechanisms of cardiac pH regulation and on excitation-contraction coupling during hypoxia and acidosis in turtle heart. We are also profiling the cardiac transcriptome during cold acclimation and anoxia in turtle heart with the aim of identifying genes potentially important in anoxia tolerance.